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RE: [FW1] Scan for web-servers

Thanks, Todd.

I figured it would be something like that,
but I wasn't sure since I expected any normal
connecting client to wait for the SYN-ACK before
sending anything else.

Anders :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Cravens [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 21. mai 2001 17:59
To: 'Reed Mohn, Anders'; Fw-1-Mailinglist (E-mail)
Subject: RE: [FW1] Scan for web-servers

The packets shouldn't be logged twice.

Most likely, the packets dropped by the deny all rule were SYN packets,
which would be allowed to traverse the rulebase looking for a match.  The
subsequent packets dropped by rule 0 were probably something other than SYN
packets (SYN-ACK, ACK, etc) that were being dropped due to no entry being in
the state table.

-----Original Message-----
From: Reed Mohn, Anders [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:48 AM
To: Fw-1-Mailinglist (E-mail)
Subject: [FW1] Scan for web-servers

Someone performed a scan of our network, on port 80,
the other day. 
The logs funny, could someone please enlighten me a little?

First I logged a lot of drops by my last "deny all" rule, for
a group of IP addresses.
Then followed drops by rule 0 ("unknown established TCP packet"),
for the same IP addresses, same source port.

Why both rules?

Is there anything in FW-1 that would cause these packets to be logged twice,
or were there simply two packets sent to each IP?

Anders RM :)

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