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[FW-1] FW: [FW-1] Lost routes on my IP440

DNS has nothing to do with this issue. This is strictly IP:



Current Issue:


[internal] --> [firewall] -->{PUBLIC] --> [router]







1.  ping F5 from router on same subnet         = good

2.  verify arp entry on router for F5                 = good



1.  ping F5 from firewall on same subnet        =  bad, no reply (ICMP is not being blocked)

2.  look for arp entry on firewall for F5             = bad, no dynamic arp entries for F5.  We can see other arp entries on the firewall.




There seems to be an ARPing issue between the F5 and the NOKIA IP 440.  Since the Cisco router tested successfully, it appears the firewall may not be obtaining an ARP entry from the F5.  All of these devices are sharing the same subnet, hence "local traffic".  Therefore, there is no need to route in this situation because all devices are on the same subnet.



Work around-


Add a host route on the firewall for a specific server on same subnet and send traffic to the router.  Because the router has an arp entry and knows how to reach that device connectivity is successful.  However, there is no need for static routes to make this connection work.


Question -


Why is the firewall not getting an ARP entry for the F5 on the same subnet ?





-----Original Message-----
From: Kant Narcisse
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 9:36 AM
To: Manny Jimenez
Subject: FW: [FW-1] Lost routes on my IP440



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 8:26 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [FW-1] Lost routes on my IP440


what you are saying does not make too much sense to me.  you indicate that adding static host addresses (TO WHAT?!?) allowed your ping to work.  that sounds like a name resolution problem and not a routing issue.  i would check your dns systems and determine if they have been modified or something happened whereby they lost the settings for these hosts.


as far as routing issues....i see your network like this.  you have an internal network which directly or indirectly connects to the firewall.  the firewall has an interface with an ip address on the network (or something like that).  your servers are on that segment and you have 2 cisco routers which are your next hop to the internet.  if this is the case, the nokia box can not lose the route to the network unless the interface goes down -- in which case you could not get to the internet.  in any case, the default route would not matter in that case.


hope this helps



----- Original Message -----


To: [email protected]

Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 9:58 AM

Subject: Re: [FW-1] Lost routes on my IP440


No I didn't block icmp. I believe I am having a problem between F5 and IP440. Possibly a dynamic ARP issue. The F5 is on the local public network of my external interface of my

Firewalls. If you can shed so light that would be greatly appreciated.



-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Raymond [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 6:54 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [FW-1] Lost routes on my IP440


Could you browse to them?  Maybe you elected to block icmp from those servers?

----- Original Message -----



To: [email protected]

Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 10:06 AM

Subject: [FW-1] Lost routes on my IP440


My Firewall default gateway to the Internet is my (HSRP IP address: I have 6 web servers outside the firewall that have public IP's from that same segment. From my internal network we were always able to ping the following IP's:, 161,162,163,164,165. From the outside our customers can hit these IP address but now from our internal network we cannot ping the public IP's. I had to add static host address to allow our folks internally to ping those IP's. I didn't have to do that in the past. It is as if I lost my routes on the firewall. Please advice because I was always been able to ping from both external & internal. The firewall's default gateway is allowing our internal folks to the Internet so why can't it ping the 6 IP's now? Has anyone seen this before?




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