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[FW1] FW1 vs. high-volume DNS traffic (or any UDP traffic for that matter)

We previously ran a high volume DNS server behind a pair of redundant IP650 firewalls (256M RAM), and got into some "performance problems".
For example, assume the following:
*** Connection table size set to 50K connections.
*** 20K connections "used up" by TCP based services.
*** UDP timeout in FW-1 set to the minimum of 40 seconds
*** High-volume DNS server implemented "behind" firewalls.
Then, let's have a look at the number of connection table entries used in relation to DNS traffic:
DNS queries/s     Connection Table Entries
===========    ==================
0                         20000
50                       24000
100                     28000
200                     36000
400                     52000
800                     84000
1000                  100000
*** Each DNS connection takes up two entries in the connection table
*** TCP connections assumed to be static at 20,000.
*** Connection table entries = 2 x dns_queries/s x 40 + 20000
This brings me to the conclusions that:
1) With a 50K connection table size, one can only handle less than 400 DNS queries/s
2) With a 100K connection table size, one can handle around 1000 DNS queries/s
3) It could be very "bad" to have the UDP timeout set to a "high value".
and most importantly:
4) It would seem that FW-1 could have serious problems handling high-volume DNS/UDP sites.
5) It would also seem that an "easy" denial of service attack against FW-1 would be to spray it with largish number of DNS queries. (Or any other UDP traffic that is allowed by the ruleset.) However, I have not tried this.
The only workarounds that I can see, are:
1) Avoid using FW-1 in high-volume UDP applications. For example, put hardened router ACL protected DNS boxes outside of the firewalls.
2) Increase the connection table size to something large, say 100K - 300K. (Assuming FW-1 can handle these connection table sizes. 100K seems OK, haven't tested anything larger.)
3) Decrease the UDP timeout. However, I believe that 40s is the minimum. Also, due to the exponential backoff used by DNS, it is probably a very bad idea to use anything smaller anyway.
4) Drop Checkpoint and use another firewall that can support very large connection table sizes.
We got around the problem by using a combination of 1) and 2). However, I am still worried from a denial of service point of view.
We escalated this problem to Checkpoint and talked to an number of their "experts". Eventually, it got escalated all the way to Israel. However, I was _extremely_ disappointed in Checkpoints responses. They could not answer a single question the we put forward. Not a single one. So much for experts. Seems like support and Checkpoint doesn't mix.
I would be _extremely_ interested in hearing about other peoples' experiences in relation to FW-1 UDP performance in general and DNS performance in particular.
Many thanks!
Ps. We are about to evaluate the Netscreen boxes, as IP650 replacements.


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